Saturday, December 28, 2019
I Visited The Homeless Charity The Bethany Christian Trust...
Introduction When I visited the homeless charity The Bethany Christian Trust and met Dan, he talked a lot about the homeless people in Scotland and about their supportive services. I was really impressed and inspired by their purpose and his stories about homeless young people. So, the thesis is about a youth hostel as a community for homeless young people which can help them with not only a place to sleep as a shelter, but also supportive assistance to help them exit street life. Active space is essential for all human beings. The activities in a lifetime are closely linked with the space, and cannot be separated from each other. The design of our environments, as Christopher Alexander discusses in ‘A Pattern Language’, shapes our societies. â€Å"People are different, and the way they want to place their houses in a neighborhood is one of the most basic kinds of difference.†That means some people want to live where the action is, while others want to live where is away from the action. As a result, we can make a clear distinction between all these different homes into a sequence as public, private and in-between which can be called intimacy gradient. The layout of space of a building or the community starts with the most public parts and then leads into the in-between areas, and finally to the most private domains. And in this way, it shapes our communities and societies. As for the activities and experience of human beings, the concept of privacy and publicity can be
Friday, December 20, 2019
What Is It Like to Be a Young Child Assignment Example
Essays on What Is It Like to Be a Young Child Assignment The paper "What Is It Like to Be a Young Child?" is a great example of an assignment on psychology. What was it like to be a boy/girl when you were young (say about 10 years old)?When I was young, (in the ’70s) to be a girl meant that to be within our private space, but with limited exposure. As far as I am concerned, my parents did not try to limit my freedom to an extent. They provided proper education and encouraged me to go for higher studies. They knew that society is undergoing rapid change and girl children cannot survive the competition without education. But most parents considered that preparation for married life was most important for girls and they must learn household works.What did you want to do, considering both your work life and nonwork life, when you grew up?As pointed out, my parents encouraged me to go beyond my limitations. Once, I explained to them that I wanted to be a primary school teacher. They advised me that I must not limit my ambition within primary schools, but must extend it towards colleges. I felt pleased and motivated with that advice bec ause they did not discourage me, but encouraged me with valuable advice. Within my nonwork life, I knew that teaching job can help me to have more leisure time. Some of my friends got married after their higher education, but I did not give up an unending aspiration and interest in education. Usually, teen-age ambitions will undergo change. When I grew up, my ambition also grew up!What did you expect to do when you grew up?To be frank, I expected myself to do the job of a teacher. Surprised? Can to imagine a girl expecting to become a teacher in the 1970s-1980s? But it was the right choice which transformed my life as a whole, the life of an educator. The only change was that my parents encouraged me to become a college professor, not a primary school teacher.What constraints and opportunities did you see, if any, on what you could do with your life because you were male/female?The main limitation was that femininity limited one’s upward mobility in society. For example, soci ety considered education as the preparatory stage for married life. When one tries to go beyond this limit, all will begin to criticize. On the other side, feminine identity helped me to keep myself within my private space without any external interference in my private life. Still, the society was not ready to set me free because people used to compare my life with othersHow do you think things have changed for boys/girls since you were young? Have things changed for the better or for the worse? Why?I think that things have changed for girls since I was young. For example, girls began to provide importance to their higher education. They began to consider that their life is similar to male life and the only difference is in physical condition. Thomas Borstelmann opined that â€Å"The shift in institutional support for girls’ participation in sports marked a major change in American life†(87). I consider that things have changed for better because girls are ready to m ake use of their ability for a better future. They are not ready to give up their dreams and ambition, and this is the most important change that I have noticed among girlsIf you had the choice, would you rather be a young boy/girl now or when you actually were one? Why?For sure, I would be a young girl because it can help me to view girls’ life from a different angle of view. In addition, this may help me to encourage girls to go beyond their limits and to be productive citizens in the futureOther responses.I feel so happy to be a teenager at the end of the 1970s and as a youngster in the 1980s. That helped me to realize the importance of personal liberty in life as a female member of the society. Still, I remember that the support from my parents transformed my life!
Thursday, December 12, 2019
The Playboy Of The Western World Monologue Essay Example For Students
The Playboy Of The Western World Monologue Essay A monologue from the play by John Millington Synge NOTE: This monologue is reprinted from The Playboy of the Western World. John Millington Synge. Boston: John W. Luce, 1911. CHRISTY: Up to the day I killed my father, there wasn\t a person in Ireland knew the kind I was, and I there drinking, waking, eating, sleeping, a quiet, simple poor fellow with no man giving me heed. And I after toiling, moiling, digging, dodging from the dawn till dusk with never a sight of joy or sport saving only when I\d be abroad in the dark night poaching rabbits on hills, for I was a devil to poach. I\d be as happy as the sunshine of St. Martin\s Day, watching the light passing the north or the patches of fog, till I\d hear a rabbit starting to screech and I\d go running in the furze. Then when I\d my full share I\d come walking down where you\d see the ducks and geese stretched sleeping on the highway of the road, and before I\d pass the dunghill, I\d hear himself snoring out, a loud lonesome snore he\d be making all times, the while he was sleeping, and he a man \d be raging all times, the while he was waking, like a gaudy officer you\d hear cursing and damning and swearing oaths after drinking for weeks, rising up in the red dawn, or before it maybe, and going out into the yard as naked as an ash tree in the moon of May, and shying clods against the visage of the stars till he\d put the fear of death into the banbhs and the screeching sows. He\d sons and daughters walking all the great states and territories of the world, and not a one of them, to this day, but would say their seven curses on him, and they rousing up to let a cough or sneeze, maybe, in the deadness of the night. I\m telling you, he never gave peace to any, saving when he\d get two months or three, or be locked in the asylums for battering peelers or assaulting men. It was a bitter life he led me till I did up a Tuesday and halve his skull.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Change Management in Action Transforming Corporate Culture
Question: Discuss about the Change Management in Action for Transforming Corporate Culture. Answer: Draw on each of the elements of the cultural web to discuss how the culture at Heinz Australia has changed and is continuing to evolve under Widdows leadership. This is a very dynamic generation, dynamic as in, where everything is changing at a very fast pace and in a very rapid manner, the way of eating, the way of wearing, the way of functioning, the way of carrying out your day to day activities and many other things ,almost everything is evolving gradually. What we used to wear 10 years before or may be even 5 years before is already outdated and new trends, and structure of functioning are already taking over, but what we wear now will also not be the same in the years to come, due to the dynamic scenario impact in the environment the way we function now will gradually differ from the days to come in the future. But this does not necessarily mean that being dynamic or adapting change is a bad thing, changing according to the environment is actually a good thing to do. Change is actually a very important in any ones life or any business as well to progress positively and also to bring profitability in a specific organization. In order to keep up with this rapidly changing environment and in order to develop as a person change, but in a properly managed and structured way is very vital and important. To define all this adapting to rapidly changing scenario or environment, there is actually a term called "change management" which means to bring a positive change in an individual, an organizational structure or any other feature to transition from average to great performer for overall development(Solutions, n.d.). This is exactly what Heinz Australia adapted after Widdows was recruited as a managing director in 2003 and chief executive officer 3 years after that. Peter Widdows was an individual or a professional who had a large work experiences; he had an experience of working in various types of working culture, which made him a very good evaluator of the right wrong way of doing things in a working environment. And because of his widespread experience of working at different organizations and different or variety o f working culture, as soon as he joined the Heinz force he had this bad feeling that the way that the company was functioning is not going on the right track, by his ability to compare the differences between other working cultures and working structure . So, in order to bring positive change, progress and development accordingly in the working environment he took an initiative to make things better for the company once and for all. Changes are thought to be vital in any organization as they empower it to contend in an industry more productively ( K.P. D.S., 2014).He first analyzed, and evaluated the situation and the whole functioning structure of Heinz company and noted down the various things and structures that were not supporting for the company to perform its best and bring profitability in the organization. While Peter Widdows was analyzing and evaluating the company to note down the faults, the following points are the list of things that Widows found that was not actually providing any kind of contribution the company to develop and prosper: The basic tasks of the company required too much effort than it actually needed, making things more complex and more time consuming, as they could utilize that time to be more productive in other sectors. The company did not have work- friendly environment as the works were very monotonous for the staffs and employees to be excited about and perform their best. The workers or the staffs were given no credibility for their performed work with no compliments, bonus or promotion of posts for their good work, rather they focused how they could negatively reinforce the workers to perform better and how could they be strict enough to discipline them to make them follow their orders and demands. There was no motivation to perform well and put in their contribution for the company, as the employees didnt feel their importance in their company, they felt as if they were just there for the sake of just following the order of the higher staffs . They didn't feel that their work, ideas or contribution was actually valued by the organization leading them to leave or resign the company. In addition to that, it is pretty obvious that there was a high employee turnover rate, brought about by the negative corporate culture. This implies that it was difficult for the company to retain employees as they did not feel that they had any form of obligation to the company (Alam, 2013) After Widdows recognized the problems that were bringing the company back, he implemented an idea of a great place to work, hoping that it would impact the company positively. To solve this ongoing problem regarding the organization's structure and the working attitude among the staffs, he gave more force on changing the attitude in the workplace, on treating the colleagues, seniors and the staffs in a more pleasurable way, by respecting each other and motivating each other to perform well and contribute their ideas, where they were taken seriously to the company. The overall attitude or behavior was restructured in order for the working environment to be pleasant. A huge need of implementing a transition in order to make sure that the staffs and employees had a good perception of their organization so that they could put their focus on their improvement as an employee rather than gaining organizational success was very important. (Kerzner, 2013).To make the duty and job of the peopl e not so time consuming and more simple and less time consuming, he also restructured the working hierarchy of the organization by, cutting off paid staff members by 25%, making the organization cost efficient, and also added new- middle level board which got rid of the old complex and confusing working structure and brought more productivity and efficiency in the business. This culture change implementation was well taken by the organization and the staffs as well bringing immediate increase in profits, record of 50% top line growth each year and launch of more than 200 products in one year. After all the implemented changes and its very successful result and feedbacks, now there is no turning back for Heinz Company, as they plan to continue this culture and evolve accordingly keeping in mind the demands and wants of the staffs to keep them motivated and productive. Making the staffs and workers feel valued in a working environment is the major need for implementation of change(Loz ano, 2011). Based on your cultural web audit, identify the key forces for and against change. Force Field Analysis is a technique for posting, examining, and assessing the different strengths for and against a proposed change. At the point when a change is arranged, Force Field Analysis helps you take a look at the bigger picture by investigating the greater part of the strengths affecting the change and measuring the advantages and disadvantages(Outreach, n.d.). So, the main problem that I recognized before the change in Heinz Australia, was lack of validation and appreciation given to the workers or staffs for their contribution which demotivated them causing downfall in the productivity of their business. Hence, the goal or proposed change would be to make positive transitions in the behavior or attitude of the senior staffs. So, first talking about the forces that go for the change could be: The manager is deciding on the changes, so implementing these changes wouldnt be as much as hard These decisions mostly take the staffs side, so majority of them would agree on implementing this whole thing Since its about changing the behavior or the attitude of the staffs into a bit motivating and positive one, so the approach to change it would also be the same, a positive one. This in return will be easier to convince the staffs. But everything has its negative side to it, and therefore the forces that could go against the change are: Since, the staffs are already demotivated, the effort to make this change could be completely unresponsive thinking its just another effort that will eventually fail Since, the manager is trying to bring a huge change to the whole organization, the expense could be massive. Handling all the responsibilities by manager himself could be a lot. What appear to be the key strengths of the new culture? As soon as the new culture was incorporated in the organization, instant improvements were starting to be visible, from staffs or employees being corporative and highly productive, to increasing in profits of the organization. This adaptation of change would also determine the manager to know that the company is able to withstand the changes that will be introduced (S.H., et al., 2012).So, this new culture was with no doubt was a huge success. With the well thought organizational structure to the change in the attitudes of each and every staffs and workers, this plan turned out to be one of the ground-breaking ideas. In my opinion the major strength of the new culture was restructuring the behavioral attitudes of the staffs, and changing the working model of the organization. The change in the working model of the company really helped to understand the work of the company more clearly, which used to be very complex thing to do before and also helped the overall organization to manag e their time in things that were actually productive and contributing to the Heinz company rather than taking very long time to do a basic simple task. This also helped to cut off the unnecessary expenses which contributed in cost efficiency of the company. This model is effortlessly reasonable and can be connected in any authoritative circumstance extending from changing the corporate structure, worker inspiration and the corporate society ( Jackson Burnes, 2011). By, associating the team to participate in what does a great place to work mean to you? was a very productive thing to do, as everyone got to project their hidden emotions and wants as a staff in a working environment, which gave a whole new perspective to the manager to know where they had to improve or what changes they could bring in to the workplace in order to prosper and develop accordingly. This was ascribed to the low profitability of representatives and the absence of confidence in the whole workforce (Rigby, 20 11)So after the implementation of the change in attitudes of the seniors to their staff members, they started to be more positive with them by encouraging them to work better, and asking for their opinions and ideas on new projects, which made the employees fell important in their company, which ultimately helped them to stay motivated and increased their productivity in a huge scale. It was also noted that the high turnover cost the company approximately $2 million dollars on an annual basis, mainly due to the recruitment and training process (Kinicki, et al., 2014). So, change in the structure of the company also helped to cut off many unrequired costs and focus on what is required and important to the organization, because successful people tend to focus on the positive aspect that beholds the future of their work rather than focusing on the past failures(canfield, 1944). So, the main key factor of Heinz Company was that Widdow had an extraordinary talent of analyzing the GAPS of the company, which led him to realize all the factors that made the companys performance very poor. So, we could say that Widdow was very valuable and asset to Heinz company, as he succeeded to implement all the changes in the company successfully. What aspects of the organization need to be monitored and sustained to ensure the organization does not slide back into the old ways of thinking and working? Heinz Australia really worked hard to get to the point where they are right now, it took a lot of time and effort to design and think of the right format of restructuring to implement to the organization so that huge improvement can be claimed by the organization for higher productivity and increase in sales revenue as a whole. But even after they have attained this huge success, it does not necessarily mean that it will now keep on sustaining in the market, the company have to keep on assuring that every aspect or function of the company are monitored closely and the ways and methods adapted to make the company productive is made consistent in order to be on the track, develop and sustain in the market. Many of the company who fail to stay on track is simply because they didn't stay the course to achieve the objective(Holtzclaw, 2012). So in order to maintain this consistency on their productivity, the company must monitor various aspect of the company to make sure that the company doesnt end up where it first started. The first thing that Heinz Australia have to make sure is that their organizational structure doesnt get jumbled up. Maintaining a proper organizational structure play a very vital role in bringing flexibility, efficiency and effectiveness to a particular company. Organizational structure is particularly important for decision making (Suttle, n.d.). If they succeed to maintain their organizational structure then the communication becomes very effective among the staffs and employees, and good communication ultimately means the fluent work flow in the Heinz Australia. Communication helps in smooth operation of administration. Administrative errand must be performed when communication framework is successful (notes.tyrocity, n.d.). When talking about communication, Heinz Australias main problem that caused its development to decline was its improper attitude among the seniors and staffs. Basically, the seniors or the upper hierarchy of the Heinz A ustralia did not acknowledge the employees work and only focused on what punishment could be given in order to bring the employees or the staffs to the right track, they didnt even consider the staffs contribution or ideas towards the organization, which made the employees feel less important and made them think that they were just work slaves to the company which resulted in demotivation of the employees causing them to resign from the company. So, in order for them to not fall back to that situation again they must keep in mind that all the employees in the workplace must be treated with same level of respect because every employee brings some level of experience and knowledge to the workplace(Lee, n.d.). Their ideas and contribution also must be acknowledged and the employees must be taken along the course, while nurturing them accordingly in order to keep them motivated to do work and to incline the production rates. Workers need acknowledgment for their commitments, and this is a significant human need more than once professed by social analysts(Smith, 2016). Ground breaking organizations are stepping to effectively address this negative perspective of execution administration. They are executing creative arrangements that guarantee forms convey genuine results and enhance execution(Factors, n.d.). This company has to monitor the overall functioning, structure along with the activities, behavior and working attitude of the employees among one another, to ensure that everything in going steadily in a smooth pace, along with consistency in order develop, grow and sustain, rather than falling back to what it was before. References Jackson, P. Burnes, . B., 2011. Success and failure in organizational change: An exploration of the role of values. Journal of Change Management. K.P. , B. D.S., . D., 2014. A time for change: QSENizing the curriculum, s.l.: s.n. Alam, S., 2013. Successful Organization Change at National Database and Registration , s.l.: s.n. canfield, j., 1944. s.l.: s.n. Factors, S., n.d. Importance of Performance Management Process Best Practices To Optimize Monitoring Performance Work Reviews/Feedback and Goal Management. [Online] Available at: Holtzclaw, E., 2012. Power of Consistency: 5 Rules. [Online] Available at: Kerzner, H. R., 2013. s.l.: s.n. Kinicki, A., Williams, ,. B. K., Scott-Ladd, B. Perry, . M., 2014. Management: A practical introduction. , NY: McGraw-Hill Education, New York: NY: McGraw-Hill Education. Lee, T. L., n.d. Nurturing Employees to Greatness: 4 Things Great Leaders Do. [Online] Available at: Lozano, R., 2011. Are Companies Planning Their Organisational Changes for Corporate Sustainability? An analysis of three case studies on resistance to change and their strategies to overcome it. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, s.l.: s.n. notes.tyrocity, n.d. Importance of business communication. [Online] Available at: Outreach, I. S. U. E. a., n.d. Force Field Analysis. [Online] Available at: Rigby, D. K., 2011. Management Tools 2011: An Executives Guide. , Boston: Boston: Bain Company.. S.H., A., S., H., J.L., M. , Malo, 2012. Back to the Future: Revisiting Kotters 1996 Change Model. Journal of Management Developmen. Smith, M. M., 2016. Nurturing Corporate Culture: Its Critical to Get Your Employees On Board. [Online] Available at: Solutions, T., n.d. What is Change Management What is OD?. [Online] Available at: Suttle, R., n.d. The Importance of Organizational Structure. [Online] Available at:
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Romeo And Juliet Deaths Essays (886 words) -
Romeo And Juliet Deaths William Shakespeare wrote many great plays in his day. His tale of Romeo and Juliet portrays a tragic love. This play ends with the deaths of the key characters Romeo and Juliet, because of their forbidden love. Many factors contribute to their demise. The scene of when they first meet, the fight between Tybalt and Mercutio, and the final death scene all reveal why the two of them cannot be together in the end. Romeo and Juliet are ultimately killed because of their decisions and fate. The effects of Romeo and Juliet's decisions and fate are first apparent in the scene when they first come together. When Romeo says to Juliet in the Capulet party, "Thus from my lips, by thine my sin is purged" (I,v,108), and then he kisses her, it obviously exhibitions how they exercise their choice to love each other. After discovering each other's identities, Romeo proclaims, "My life is my foe's debt" (I,v,119), and Juliet states, "My only love sprung from my only hate" (I,v,140). These lines foreshadow that there will be many impediments keeping them apart and eventually killing them both. It might be thought that the tragic ending is caused by them choosing to love each other. However, if fate does not bring them together in the first place, they will never have the opportunity to establish their love. Romeo and Juliet are affected by their choices and fate right from the beginning. Romeo's actions and chance also cause the chaos in Romeo and Mercutio's fight scene with Tybalt. When Romeo replies to Tybalt when he is first insulted and threatened on the street, "I do protest I never injure thee, but love thee better than thou canst devise" (III,I,67-8), it means he does not mean Tybalt any harm and is walking away from the fight. Then, Mercutio steps in for Romeo and starts fighting with Tybalt. Romeo gets between them, which allows Tybalt to kill Mercutio, and later results in Romeo killing Tybalt. It is very easy to point the finger at Romeo and accuse him of allowing Mercutio to be killed. His decision directly allows Tybalt to stab Mercutio, but he is trying work it out so no one will be injured, like peer mediation. Although he has no clue that he will do more harm, Romeo is actually trying to help. That's where fate affects him. Also, it can be said that Romeo is entirely responsible for killing Tybalt. When Romeo exclaims to Tybalt after he comes back from killing Mercutio, "And fire-eyed fury be my conduct now!" (III,I,123), it shows how he is furious and wants to fight. A lot of people say that Romeo has no need to fight, but what if he does not? Didn't something horrible happen the last time he walked away? Maybe Benvolio will start a fight with Tybalt and be killed as well. So fate does have a role in deciding the outcome. It is hard to conclude that everything will be all right for Romeo if he does not fight Tybalt. In this sense, the fight scene shows how fate and Romeo's decisions are responsible for two deaths and banishment. The final scene itself shows how Romeo and Juliet's decisions and fate lead to their deaths. Their destiny "A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life. . . doth their death bury their parents' strife" (1st prologue, 6-8), stated in the prologue, describes how they are foretold to die and many people agree that it is fate that ultimately causes their deaths. If the friar in Mantua arrives earlier to deliver Friar Lawrence's message or if Romeo arrives just a few minutes later in the Capulet tomb, it's possible that the finale would change. Even though fate will allow Romeo and Juliet to carry out their plan, they are the ones who decide to commit suicide in the first place. Juliet speaks to herself before she drinks the friar's potion: Come, vial. What if this mixture do not work at all? Shall I be married then tomorrow morning? No, no! This shall forbid it. Lie thou there." (IV,iv,21-3) After speaking, Juliet lays a dagger down beside her and that displays how she is prepared to kill herself instead of not seeing Romeo again. Also, Romeo says to the nurse in Friar Lawrence's cell, "Doth my name lodge? Tell me, that I may sack the hateful mansion" (III,iii,107-8) and offers to kill himself. Since there is virtually no chance of them being able to live together happily
Sunday, November 24, 2019
A Look At Puritanism Vs Deism Religion Essay Essays
A Look At Puritanism Vs Deism Religion Essay Essays A Look At Puritanism Vs Deism Religion Essay Paper A Look At Puritanism Vs Deism Religion Essay Paper In the 17th and 18th centuries, spiritual beliefs become the chief point of focal point in Europe and in the new universe. The first issues with faith trade with Catholicism and Protestantism ; British Catholics became wary of the way of Catholics motivations, so they decide to interrupt off into a new subdivision of Christianity: Protestantism. One of the new major subdivisions of Christianity is Puritanism which contains ties of Calvinism in its nucleus. Puritans make their ain regulations and make up ones mind to pattern Christianity the manner God intended: attempting to sublimate the Church. For Puritans, the Bible is the lone manner to pattern and its guidelines must be obeyed daily. Four cardinal beginnings track the lives and escapades of John Winthrop, Michael Wigglesworth, John Dane, and Mary Rowlandson. No other possible faith sprouted in people s heads until Boston bore a adult male named Benjamin Franklin in 1706 who challenges Puritanism wholly with his Deist beliefs. When Franklin turns nineteen, he publishes his religion to the universe in his Dissertation on Liberty and Necessity, Pleasure and Pain. These new ideas spread around the new universe and get down making a seed of uncertainty in people s caputs about their faith. In 1725, Benjamin Franklin promotes a new faith that is widely different from the traditional Puritan position based on his positions of God and the Universe. Section two of Ben Franklin s Dissertation discusses pleasance, hurting, and the absence of an hereafter. Section two explicitly provinces pain and pleasure balance each other out throughout life finally go forthing everything on an even keel: Pain is equally balanced by pleasance and hence there is no demand to conceive of an hereafter ( Franklin 27 ) . Franklin views decease as the terminal of the route with an absence of an hereafter. He says, Even if there is an hereafter, there could be no memory of earthly existenceaˆÂ ¦so it could do no difference to us ( Franklin 27 ) . This thought parallels his proposal depicting a babe s degree of consciousness ; Franklin believes babies are non witting of their ain being until the babe feels pain for the first clip. The edginess that babes experience is relative to the pleasance they feel every bit good. For case, if Franklin creates a expression of pleasance and hurting it would look as such: Pleasure + Pain = 0. Similar to equi librium, Franklin believes in pure balance: The Pain of Labour and Fatigue causes the Pleasure of Rest, equal to that Pain ( Franklin, 28 ) . Franklin tungsten raps up his statement by claiming every adult male and adult female experience an equal sum of pleasance and hurting so that in the hereafter, God is non required to do any other accommodations. Since there is balance, hereafter does non be or hold any important importance in world. Puritans, contrary to Franklin s positions, believe people are of course evil animals and necessitate to be guided by authorization. John Winthrop, a seventeenth century frequent incumbent governor of Massachusetts, declares that civil freedom is the most right autonomy under God. The first type of autonomy, natural, is evil by nature and incorrect under the eyes of God: The exercising and maintaining of this autonomy makes work forces turn more evil and in clip to be worse than brute beastsaˆÂ ¦This [ sort of autonomy ] is that great enemy of truth and peace ( Winthrop, 1 ) . Winthrop s positions of autonomy and Puritanism are evidently different from what Franklin believes. Franklin believes worlds are of course good and can make no evil when Winthrop believes people are born evil and need to be monitored. Winthrop says Puritans must follow civil autonomies because they are merely and what God intended. This autonomy symbolizes the compact between God and adult male in the m oral jurisprudence. Winthrop says specifically this autonomy comes from Jesus to do us free to idolize him: Such is the autonomy of the church under the authorization of Christ ( Winthrop, 1 ) . Puritans unrecorded and dice for the civil autonomies of Christ and genuinely believe in his powers to command us. John Dane in his narrative, A Declaration of Remarkable Providences in the Course of My life, exemplify and turn out the beliefs of all Puritans after he refuses the sexual comfort of a lady and gives the recognition to God: I thank God I neer yet knew [ sexually ] any but those two married womans God gave meaˆÂ ¦God taketh attention of us when we take no attention of ourselves ( Dane, 8 ) . In Dane s eyes, the civil autonomies of the settlement allowed him to avoid wickedness. This same illustration arises in Mary Rowlandson s narrative when she refuses an offering of baccy and raps herself on the dorsum: I thank God, he has now given me power over it ( Rowlandson, 18 ) . These illustrations show the important differences between Deists and Purists, for the Deists believe they can make good Acts of the Apostless themselves but the Purists believe God allowed them to make good workss and trials them. Another faithful Puritan, Michael Wigglesworth, known for his verse form about Hell, The Day of Doom, opposes Franklin s positions sing the absence of an hereafter and the ability to move morally. As described earlier, Franklin believes an hereafter is wholly false under the eyes of Deism. Franklin says an hereafter shall non even be considered because it makes no difference ; if our earthly experience will non be recalled the hereafter is merely irrelevant. However, Wigglesworth strongly believes in an hereafter. After reading the transition, he apparently merely cares to state everybody they are traveling to Hell someday: Traveling to Hell will be those who were non able to acquire or understand this offer of redemption ( Wigglesworth, 4 ) . Everyone who is non a Puritan or non predestined to Heaven is traveling to hell. He elaborates and specifies the hapless psyches: the mentally retarded will travel to Hell, Indians are destined for Hell, and eventually babes who are non pre destined for redemption will stop up in Hell. This transition reiterates the Puritan thought that people are born evil and can non alter based on their ain virtue. In this twenty-four hours and age, it is highly hard to convert person you are saved and most of the clip ends up really backlashing, converting the individual you are in fact condemned. The differences between Puritanism and Deism continue to originate throughout the journeys of two of import Puritans. Mary Rowlandson s narrative, A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, describes Mary s escapade through imprisonment with the Native Americans and how she believes God has chosen her for redemption wholly standing on the other side of the spectrum of Franklin. The Indians gaining control Mary and one of her kids and subsequently give her a Bible. She takes this as an act of God alternatively of merely a pure happenstance: I can non but take notice of the fantastic clemency of God to me in those afflictions, in directing me a Bible ( Rowlandson 17 ) . Where Deists believe these act by the Indians merely act to function a greater good in their persons lives, Puritans think God tests them and chooses them for redemption. Puritans believe persons destined for redemption must be battled tried, but Deists barely believe in an hereafter and decidedly believe the actions on Earth do non ensue in effect after decease. Rowlandson persuades herself to believe th ese are Acts of the Apostless of God by mentioning her brushs to specific tests in the Bible including her trip down the river: Psalm 137:1, By the rivers of Babylon, there we saw down, yeah, we wept when we remembered Zion ( Rowlandson 18 ) . In Rowlandson s head, God tests her and chooses her for redemption. This observation additions strength when Rowlandson quotes Hebrews and relates it to her life: Heb. Twelve 6, For whom the Lord loveth he chastened, and scourgeth every Son who he receiveth ; but now I see the Lord had his clip to scourge and chastise me ( Rowlandson, 20 ) . Unlike Deists, Rowlandson sees herself as evidently chosen to travel to Heaven familiarising herself with Winthrop, Dane, and Wigglesworth. John Dane, the concluding Puritan with a life altering narrative besides believes God tests him throughout his life to beef up his religion in Him, but one time once more contradicts Franklin s Deist beliefs. When Dane is a immature male child, he runs off from his house because he believes his male parent attempts to command him excessively much. However, as Dane fled his place, his ma said something that changes his life everlastingly, Travel where you will, God he will happen you out ( Dane, 7 ) . During this period in Dane s life, he does non see the Acts of the Apostless of God but alternatively sees the actions as his ain good psyche. A few hebdomads subsequently, a wasp stings Dane twice in the exact same topographic point in a hebdomad s period. As the WASP stings Dane, H2O and blood came out of it which represents Christ s actions in his head. Immediately, Dane remembers the words his female parent said to him as he ran off, so to Dane this as a mark from God. Finally, a Bible was on his parents tabular array at place and he opened it to a page that changed his religion: Come out from among them, touch no dirty thing, and I will be your God and you shall be my people ( Dane, 11 ) . This quotation mark opposes the Deist point of position ; Deists do non utilize the Bible hence do non purchase into the prognostications told throughout the testament. Deists besides do non idolize contrary to the Puritans. However, Dane sees this as another mark from God to alter his religion and give himself to Christ. He eventually believes he can be saved. Finally, after measuring faithful Puritans and up and coming Deists, the differences between the two faiths stick out to readers. Obviously, Franklin has the desire to wholly interrupt away from the train of idea of the rigorous Puritans to make a more loose rational type of faith. The actions, words, and beliefs of Purists and Deists show the surmounting differences between the two faiths.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Chemistry and Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Chemistry and Society - Essay Example In the ancient time, spiraea and willow bark plant extract of which the active ingredient was salicylic acid had been used to ease pain, headaches and fevers. In the year 1763, Edward Stone isolated the active element of aspirin when he discovered salicylic acid. Charles Frederic Gerhardt who was a French chemist prepared the first acetylsalicylic acid in the year 1853. During Charles Frederic Gerhardt's work, on the property and synthesis of different acid anhydrides, Charles Frederic mixed acetyl chloride with a sodium salt (Edubillacom, 2015). After a vigorous reaction, the resulting melt was then solidified, and the compound obtained was named salicylic-acetic anhydride.In the year 1859, von Gilm obtained acetylsalicylic acid through the reaction of acetyl chloride and salicylic acid (Watson, 2011). In the year 1897, Bayer AG chemists produced a version of synthetically altered salicin. The product was derived from Filipendula ulmaria species which had a less digestive upset as c ompared to the pure salicylic acid. Bayer AG named the new drug Aspirin (May & Cotton, 2014). By the year 1899, the drug was sold around the world (SchröR, 2009). The drug became popularly known due to its effectiveness in the first half of the 20th century. Synthetic fabrics are from synthetic polymers which are created using polymerization of different chemical inputs. Polymerization refers to the process of combining various smaller molecules to form larger molecules.
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