Friday, August 28, 2020
There Are Strict Standard Regulations on Emission Sample for Students
Question: Plate About There Are Strict Standard Regulations On Emission? Answer: Presentation There are exacting standard guidelines on outflow, consequently in view of this most new maker of vehicles need to make vehicles that follow these measures. Law doesn't expect them to this, yet they do so predominantly as an advertising system. Volkswagen Audi bunch which is perhaps the biggest maker of vehicles began to produce in 2009, new vehicles called Clean Diesel. They guaranteed that these new vehicles met all the guidelines on outflow in the US and EU. Subsequently because of this, they were granted the green vehicle endowments and exclusions from charges. In 2009 their vehicle, Volkswagen Jetta Diesel, was named as the vehicle of the year. Their tech and other comparative diesel specialists were the reason for the green innovation. After every one of these, issues thought of the Volkswagen clean diesel tech which indicated proof that they didn't meet the lawful guidelines on discharge when it was tried on genuine streets. Researchers from West Virginia University, in 2014, made information assortment on the outflows while the Volkswagen was being used in reality. They discovered for one that the Jetta information gave was bogus and it supplanted the permitted legitimate breaking point by a factor of 15 to 35. They were then served a Notice of Violation by the US EPA for this on 18 September 2015. (Kollewe, 2015)Volkswagens case or reason was that the vehicles and 480,000 VW and Audis with motors that have 2-liter TDI, and that were sold between the long periods of 2009 and 2015 had a destruction gadget against agreeing to emissions.Management Over 11 million vehicles are influenced by this. The annihilation gadget was found to be a motor running programming that detected when a discharges appraisal was being done, by contemplations like no directing exertion, open hat or just a couple of wheels turning. They may utilize this to breeze through any assessments done on vehicles. Volkswagen was not the first to unlawfully utilize this annihilation gadget it returns to the 1970s. At the point when they were first faced with this, Volkswagen asserted that the issues were because of specialized glitches however after they were indicated proof they conceded their bad behavior. These lead to death, and they endured after these were made open. The open lost confidence in organizations professing to create vehicles with green innovation (Burki,2015) Moral issues confronted. The principal moral predicament for this situation study is whether the vehicle producers cause their vehicles to adhere to the guideline gauges on discharges. There are clear set legitimate norms and guidelines on discharges that can be created by these organizations, yet they are not lawfully constrained to do as such. In the event that they observe these principles, they will go far to ensure the earth. Then again, they may simply deliver vehicles at any rate they like and what suits them without considering the suggestions they have on nature and environmental factors (Stanwick,and Stanwick, 2017) Another moral problem is where these vehicle makers agree to the guidelines on emanations as a method of advertising their business. The world buyers right presently need vehicles that are viewed as green and useful for the earth, hence by delivering these vehicles they are doing so in light of the fact that they will benefit from the endeavor. Then again when the market request changes and it is increasingly gainful to have vehicles that don't adhere to the principles and guidelines on emanations these organizations will simply change to making them since it will profit them (Stanwick,and Stanwick, 2017) The following one is that Volkswagen acknowledged the honor of the vehicle of the year and said that their vehicles consented to the laws on discharges. Because of this the remainder of the world based their meaning of green, effective vehicles on this model of Diesel vehicles by them. It was an accomplishment for them, however it was a lie as they realized without a doubt that they didn't satisfy the guidelines for such acclamations. They utilized tricky methods intentionally to accomplish these jumps and accomplishments (Johnson,2013) The Defeat Device was likewise utilized in different cases other than that of Volkswagen. It is a quandary since it shows a pattern of different players of the business utilizing this gadget to progress in their fields from to the extent the 1970s and the US government knew about these events. Volkswagen just followed this guide to likewise create in their specialized topic. Then again, they utilized it realizing without a doubt, it was an illicit methods as it didn't give a precise impression of their vehicle however did so at any rate (Fraser,2015) Another situation is that when they were indicated that there was proof that their vehicles including Jetta, which was the Green vehicle of the year in 2009, didn't meet the guidelines they denied that there were issues with them. They rather ascribed the consequences of the investigation by researchers at West Virginia University to specialized hitches which were a falsehood. They just conceded an inappropriate doing after they were indicated hard proof against them therefore concurred that they utilized the destruction gadget intentionally to adjust consequences of tests in controlled conditions (Hakim and Bradsher, 2015) The following on is that they offered vehicles to their clients whowere fitted with the annihilation gadget. These gadgets gave wrong outcomes when tests were completed on them and were said to meet all the guidelines on discharges. It was an untruth which gave bogus data to the customers who purchased these vehicles accepting that they were purchasing green innovation vehicles. It was wrong since they didn't stay faithful to their obligation to deliver vehicles that were green productive thus letting down their buyers. Then again, Volkswagen may have done this to reduce expenses and furthermore benefit the organization. The predicament here is whether organizations ought to effectively benefit regardless of whether it implies misleading the consumer.(Holland, Mansur, Muller, and Yates, 2016.) At long last, numerous passings havebeen credited to vehicles that have the destruction gadget. It is a quandary as a result of it a terrible thing that individuals kicked the bucket in light of the fact that Volkswagen needed to make benefits and they ought to endure too on the grounds that lives were Management. Then again, the organization has separate assets to remunerate these difficulties, yet they will likewise endure misfortunes in future because of these occasions. The predicament here is whether Volkswagen has paid enough for their misleading and whether the lost lives are quantifiable monetarily (Barrett, Speth, Eastham, Dedoussi, Ashok, Malina,and Keith,2015).Also, the issue is that people in general has lost confidence in Green vehicles and will think that its difficult to purchase vehicles since they won't know whether they really utilize the green innovation. Moral Principles Some ethical standards material to guarantee that such occasions don't reoccur incorporate the accompanying; first is the rule of self-sufficiency. It is the place we have the duty to offer regard to all people and their opportunity and agree to the choices they make for their lives. For this situation, the vehicle makers had the decision to agree to the guidelines of discharges, and by deceiving the individuals, Volkswagen endured the results of their activities (Koocher, and Keith-Spiegel,2009).Another rule is of Beneficence; we are committed to get things done with the expect to carry out beneficial things. It is applied here for the situation that if Volkswagen had quite recently given a valiant effort to be green and advantage the earth, they would experience maintained a strategic distance from the difficulties. The Principle of Justice likewise can be applied here; when individuals see the requirement for equity to win they will successfully guarantee this. On the off chance t hat Volkswagen had utilized this they would have conceded their bad behavior before they would dodge the passings brought about by their errors (Nolen, and Putten, 2007) End Taking everything into account, we could have kept this case from advancing to the boundaries it came to by executing the standards referenced before. It would be an advantage to all gatherings if a goals were reached. Rather along these lines, if this were to reoccur in light of the fact that organizations will do what they need to do to make benefits, this case was a moral predicament all in all since all gatherings were on the right track to some extent. On account of Volkswagen, they were simply following models set by past organizations. Then again the Government we incensed on the grounds that despite the fact that they were not required lawfully to follow the guidelines, they lied that they did and in this manner caused irreversible harms. Starting at now, shoppers have lost confidence in the vehicle fabricating industry about to start having green innovation vehicles, and they should strive to win back the trust of the consumers.(Trevino and Nelson, 2010) Reference List Badiou, An., and Hallward, P., 2002. Morals: An exposition on the comprehension of fiendishness. Verso. Barrett, S.R., Speth, R.L., Eastham, S.D., Dedoussi, I.C., Ashok, A., Malina, R. furthermore, Keith, D.W., 2015. The effect of the Volkswagen discharges controls rout gadget on US general wellbeing. Ecological Research Letters, 10(11), p.114005. Burki, T.K., 2015. Diesel vehicles and wellbeing: the Volkswagen outflows scandal.The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 3(11), pp.838-839. Fraser, L., 2015. Volkswagen outflows fixing echoes comparable embarrassments at GM, Toyota, Honda. CBC News. Hakim, D. furthermore, Bradsher, K., 2015. After Volkswagen Revelation, Auto Emissions Tests Come Under Global Scrutiny. The New York Times (Sept 24, 2015). Accessible at: https://www. Nytimes. com/2015/09/25/business/worldwide/to okswagen-outflows contamination guidelines. HTML. Holland, S.P., Mansur, E.T., Muller, N.Z. furthermore, Yates, A.J., 2016. Harms and expected passings because of abundance NO x emanations from 2009 to 2015 Volkswagen diesel vehicles. Natural science innovation, 50(3), pp.1111-1117. Johnson, C. E., 2013. Meeting the moral difficulties of authority: Casting light or shadow. Sage Publications. Kollewe, J., 2015. Volkswagen discharges scandaltimeline. The Guardian, 10. Koocher, G. P., and Keith-Spiegel, P. (2009). What would it be a good idea for me to do? 38 moral situations including secrecy.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) :: essays research papers
Advanced Subscriber Line (DSL) Advanced Subscriber Line new innovation that exploits standard copper phone line to give secure, dependable, rapid Internet get to. DSL alludes to the group of computerized endorser line advances, for example, ADSL, HDSL, and RADSL. Association speed for DSL ranges from 1.44 Mbps to 512 Kbps downstream and around 128 Kbps upstream. Dissimilar to customary associations DSL, for example, simple modems and IDSN, DSL convey nonstop â€Å"always on†get to. That implies sight and sound rich sites, email, and other online applications are accessible whenever. DSL makes it feasible for you to stay online even while you’re chatting on the phone without endangering the nature of either association. DSL is accessible in a range of velocities. Some are best home use, while others are intended to oblige thorough business requests. Regardless of whether for business or the home, DSL, offers fantastic value/execution esteem contrasted with other online alternatives. There are the fiv e realities that one should think about DSL. It is amazingly quick. With DSL administration, you can profit by Internet speeds that are as long as 12 minutes quicker than an average ISDN association and multiple times quicker than conventional 28.8 Kbps modems. This implies in the 12 seconds it takes to peruse this data, you could have downloaded a 2 megabyte introduction document or web photo. It would take 10 additional minutes (600 additional seconds!) to download the equivalent with a conventional 28.8 Kbps. It’s exceptionally dependable. One can rely upon DSL since its demonstrated innovation exploits the current media communications framework. It’s characteristically secure. DSL organize gives a devoted Internet association by means of private phone wires, you can sidestep dial-up interlopers or shared system programmers. Not at all like customary dial-upp modems or link modems. DSL ensures your important information with the most secure association accessible. I t’s astonishing reasonable. DSL is broadly perceived as the most savvy availability answer for little buisness. DSL conveys mechanical quality like speed to various clients at just 25% of run of the mill TI costs. There is no better value choice accessible. DSL is additionally a remarkable incentive for home clients. At about $2 per day for administrations that addresses the issues of a great many people. The association is consistently on. It’s prepared to run each moment of the day. There’s no additionally signing on and off. Not any more bustling signs or separates. This gives you the opportunity to concentrate on what you need to achieve on line instead of concentrating on attempting to get associated.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Unrestricted Capitalist Development and the International Monetary Fund
Unlimited Capitalist Development and the International Monetary Fund: Their Economic and Social Effects on Buenos Aires. Argentina The day is Friday, December 21, 2001. Following three days of huge mobs the city of Buenos Aires resembles a deserted combat zone. Its fantastic palm-fixed roads are thronw with worn out shells of vehicles, crushed glass, shakes, and bent furnishings. Jobless individuals, retired people, and ladies with babies move through crushed market windows scanning for any nourishment that raiders abandoned. Most banks and shops are shut, and bewildered individuals meander the avenues, befuddled and dreadful of their nation’s situation (Arie 11). The â€Å"battle†began on Monday, December 17, with huge nourishment uproars and plundering of trucks shipping nourishment, drove by a large number of poor families. The Argentine government said there were 20,000 thieves in Buenos Aires alone, as residents broke into stores and crushed shop windows, taking things including nourishment, garments, and tissue (Gardner 9). Nourishment riots emitted in the average workers belt encompassing the capital, for example, Lanus, also (Rohter 6). TV film from Rosario, a city northwest of Buenos Aires, indicated more than one hundred ghetto tenants dropping on a toppled cows truck and butchering the creatures with sticks and blades so they could steal away lumps of meat (Abel 20). Silvia Tebez, a jobless 27-year-old mother of three stated, â€Å"a not many criminals grabbed TVs and such, however all around these were guardians who were eager, with no cash and no expectations of getting any†(Rohter 6). Hungry or not, the legislature, headed by President Fernando de la Rua, endeavored to control the agitators by founding a sta... ...State University of New York Press, 1987. Rodriquez, Alfonso. â€Å"Argentine Food Riots End, But Hunger Doesn’t.†The New York Times. 24 December 2001: 18. Rohter, Larry. â€Å"Argentine Food Riots End, But Hunger Doesn’t.†The New York Times.23 December 2001: A6. Soriano, Alex. â€Å"Argentine Police Smash Protest by Workers.†The Montreal Gazette.19 April 2002: 12. Sparr, Pamela. Selling Women’s Lives: Feminist Critiques of Structural Adjustment. London and New Jersey: Zed Books Ltd., 1994. U.S. government. 12 April 2002: Valente, Marcela. â€Å"Labor-Argentina: Workers Give New Life to Abandoned Factories.†Inter Press Service. 19 March 2002: 1-3. Ximenez, Daniel. â€Å"Argentina People Throw the Bastards Out.†Labor Notes. 22 February 2002.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Ugly Side of Easy Cause and Effect Essay Topics
The Ugly Side of Easy Cause and Effect Essay Topics Definitions of Easy Cause and Effect Essay Topics In the 2nd scenario, the thesis might be, The principal effects of various difficulties with teens are the reduction in the literacy rates among the populace of the usa. Writing about the reason and effect essay topics connected with the school's popularity or surviving the initial year in college could be fine to grab the interest of your peers. Men and women that have a smoking authority figure in their lives (for example, a parent) are a lot more likely to begin smoking later in life. The college essay is, first of all, a tool employed by admission officers to establish if a student can write well and take advantage of critical thinking skills. Things You Should Know About Easy Cause and Effect Essay Topics When there are certainly lots of health-related causes of insomnia, you may also discuss how pressures at school, on the job or in your social life might permit you to shed sleep. If you want to help your son or daughter understand how causal relationships work, you can come across some practical cause and effect worksheets here. You might also be requested to analyze the association between cause and effect. Family problems have detrimental consequences on sleep. What to Expect From Easy Cause and Effect Essay Topics? Changing weather contributes to changes in attire. Explain why you have to wear distinctive clothes as soon as the weather changes. Students should focus on the way things relate to one another. The ideal way to help it become easier is to start early. Then you've come to the proper location! For instance, the closing of your favourite burger joint may be the closest to your heart, but nevertheless, it may be hard that you squeeze a full essay out of it. Make certain you have at the very least a day between when you wrote your very first draft and when you return to edit it. The Importance of Easy Cause and Effect Essay Topics Whenever you choose to ask us for expert help, don't hesitate to speak to our support managers. Our customer support will gladly tell you whether there are any special offers at the present time, and make sure you are getting the very best service our business can deliver. Even people who swore they would never ever locate a cell phone useful have acquiesced to the ease of cell phones and technology. Discuss its causes and possible solutions. The Easy Cause and Effect Essay Topics Trap A collection of absolutely free wellness essay questions that have been made available to help aid you in making your own wellness essay question. As soon as you have settled on the subject, you can begin with the research. Despite the fact that you conduct research on all potential topics, take notes. After you've completed all your research and outline, the very first draft should be somewhat simple to write. It isn't too simple to select appropriate essay topics. Take a look at the list of the most fascinating cause and effect essay topics available to create your essay stick out! An argumentative essay is a certain kind of academic writing. To begin with, identify the topic of your essay. Make certain that you have enough data that you may use as an effective evidence. The meaning of the majority of common saying health is wealth is extremely easy and easy. Some topics may expect you to provide more proof than other people to demonstrate the relationship between the cause and effect. Make sure that you carry out the essential quantity of research about the topic you will choose as a way to make and compose a significant essay that will trace the reason and highlight the effect of your favorite event or subject. When choosing a viable subject, you can begin by cause for many events, trends, ordeals, issues, and phenomenon which have a cause and effect. Remember the consequences aren't necessarily adverse or positive. A cause and effect essay is comparable in structure to the majority of other essays, since it requires an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Despite the fact that it looks quite different from, for instance, narrative essay, here you can also ponder of something from subjective point of view. Causes are introduced as argumentative topics which introduce the main topics of contemporary society in a concise presentation where creativity is the secret. Well, the majority of these topics are largely taught within a course setting. See some helpful strategies and recommendations on pick the best argumentative essay topics here. The readers want to find the huge picture. After discovering our website, you will no longer will need to bother friends and family with these kinds of requests. You perhaps don't know the name of such a writer. Select your topic wisely if you want to provide your instructor an intriguing read.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Chemistry Abbreviations Starting with N and O
Chemistry abbreviations and acronyms are common in all fields of science. This collection offers common abbreviations and acronyms beginning with the letters N and O used in chemistry and chemical engineering. Chemistry Abbreviations Starting With N n - nanon - neutronn0 - neutronn - neutron emissionN - NewtonN - NitrogenN - Normal (concentration)n - number of molesNA - Avogadro constantNA - Not ActiveNA - Nucleic AcidNa - SodiumNAA - N-AcetylasPartateNAA - Naphtalic Acetic AcidNAC - Naphthenic Acid CorrosionNAD - Nicotinamide Adenine DinucleotideNADH - Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide - Hydrogen (reduced)NADP - Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide PhosphateNAS - National Academy of ScienceNb - NiobiumNBC - Nuclear, Biological, ChemicalNBO - Natural Bond OrbitalNCE - New Chemical EntityNCEL - New Chemical Exposure LimitNCR - No Carbon RequiredNCW - National Chemistry WeekNd - NeodymiumNe - NeonNE - Non EquilibriumNE - Nuclear EnergyNG - Natural GasNHE - Normalized Hydrogen ElectrodeNi - NickelNIH - National Institutes of HealthNiMH - Nickel Metal HalideNIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology nm - nanometerNM - Non MetalNMR - Nuclear Magnetic ResonanceNNK - Nicotine-derived Nitrosamine KetoneNo - NobeliumNOAA - Nation al Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationNORM - Naturally Occurring Radioactive MaterialNOS - Nitrous OxideNOS - Nitric Oxide SynthaseNp - NeptuniumNR - Not RecordedNS - Not SignificantNU - Natural UraniumNV - Non-VolatileNVC - Non-Volatile ChemicalNVOC - Non--Volatile Organic ChemicalNW - Nuclear Weapon Chemistry Abbreviations Starting With O O - OxygenO3 - OzoneOA - Oleic AcidOAA - OxaloAcetic AcidOAc - Acetoxy functional groupOAM - Orbital Angular MomentumOB - Oligosaccharide BindingOC - Organic CarbonOD - Optical DensityOD - Oxygen DemandODC - Ornithine DeCarboxylaseOER - Oxygen Enhancement RatioOF - Oxygen FreeOFC - Oxygen Free CopperOFHC - Oxygen Free High thermal ConductivityOH - alcoholOH - hydroxideOH - hydroxyl functional groupOI - Oxygen IndexOILRIG - Oxygen Is Losing - Reduction Is GainingOM - Organic MatterON - Oxidation NumberOP - OrganophosphateOQS - Occupied Quantum StateOR - Oxidation-ReductionORNL - Oak Ridge National LaboratoryORP - Oxidation-Reduction PotentialORR - Oxidation-Reduction ReactionOs - OsmiumOSHA - Occupational Safety and Health AdministrationOSL - Optically Stimulated LuminescenceOTA - OchraToxin AOV - Organic VaporOVA - Organic Vapor AnalyserOVA - OVAlbuminOWC - Oil-Water ContactOX - OxygenOX - OxidationOXA - OXanilic AcidOXT - OXyTocinOXY - Oxygen
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Analyze the impact of various events on the American...
I. Background information on industry and workers A. Between the period of 1865-1900, industry exploded in growth B. There were many contributors that included government action, labor unions, immigration, and technological changes. 1. Government action tried to help the workers by decreasing corporations control over employees 2. Labor unions tried to increase benefits and make working easier 3. Immigration helped by having a cheap, abundant labor source for businesses to use 4. Technological changes both helped and hurt workers by making it easier to work but making it harder by causing a need for skilled labor. C. All of these affected workers, but in some more than others, however, labor unions and technological changes had†¦show more content†¦B. Inventions like the Bessemer process, railroads, and the production plant all affected jobs and the economy. C. The Bessemer process allowed steel to be created at a much faster rate. 1. This called for more workers in order to maximize production (a) Most workers were immigrants that worked two 12-hour shifts, seven days a week. 2. The Bessemer process greatly affected the worker by providing more jobs, but at a lower wage, lower benefits, and higher hours, a negative effect. D. In the 1860 s, the government finally commissioned the first transcontinental railroad. E. Then from the 1860 s to about 1893, four more transcontinental railroads were created. 1. These transcontinental railroads stimulated industry greatly, creating more jobs in both industry and working on the rails. F. The invention and development of the production plant affected the worker greatly. 1. There were now more jobs due to the openings in factories. (a) Machines replaced skilled workers in factories G. Technological changes often replaced workers, however, it often created more jobs in the long run. IV. Summarizing the effects of labor unions and technological changes A. Both labor unions and technological changes greatly affected the Industrial worker in the period of 1865-1900. B. Labor unions tried to provide greater benefits for workers and mostly positively affected workers. 1. They were mostly successful inShow MoreRelatedEssays for the American Pageant, 14th Ed.11068 Words  | 45 PagesEssays for The American Pageant, 14th ed. Part One 1. From the perspective of Native Americans, the Spanish and English empires in America had more similarities than differences. Assess the validity of this generalization. Response Strategy It is important to develop a clear thesis on the validity of the statement at the outset of the essay. A good essay could be developed on either side of the issue or in support of a middle-of –the-road position. Supporting paragraphs should beRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pagesand Paul Buhle, eds., The New Left Revisited David M. Scobey, Empire City: The Making and Meaning of the New York City Landscape Gerda Lerner, Fireweed: A Political Autobiography Allida M. Black, ed., Modern American Queer History Eric Sandweiss, St. Louis: The Evolution of an American Urban Landscape Sam Wineburg, Historical Thinking and Other Unnatural Acts: Charting the Future of Teaching the Past Sharon Hartman Strom, Political Woman: Florence Luscomb and the Legacy of Radical Reform Read MoreProject Managment Case Studies214937 Words  | 860 PagesMANAGEMENT METHODOLOGIES 1 Lakes Automotive 3 Fems Healthcare, Inc. Clark Faucet Company 2 5 7 11 IMPLEMENTATION OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT Kombs Engineering 13 Williams Machine Tool Company 15 Wynn Computer Equipment (WCE) 17 The Reluctant Workers 20 Hyten Corporation 22 Macon, Inc. 35 Continental Computer Corporation 37 Goshe Corporation 43 Acorn Industries 49 MIS Project Management at First National Bank Cordova Research Group 70 Cortez Plastics 71 L. P. Manning Corporation 72 Project Firecracker
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Enders Game Essay Example For Students
Enders Game Essay Enders Game In this book Orson Scott Card writes about a boy who is born to save the Earth. Ender Widgeon is born as a Third in the future where only two children are allowed per family. Enders older brother and sister, Peter and Valentine, were not what the government needed to save the world, so Ender was born, that he would be somewhere in the middle of their extremes. Peter is too violent, and Valentine has too much empathy. Ender is the right combination for the Battle School. For a discussion of ancient Greek civilization and history, see Ancient Greece Economy:Throughout the first half hfhfghg dgdgd gdgdgdg dgdgdgd dggdgd gdgdgdg gddgdytfhf dgdgd dgdgdg dggdgd dgdgd hfg gjgjgj fhhfh dtgdg dgdgd dtdgdg dgdgdg hfghg trtr ffdfd dfdfdf rfhfhhrh etregrg werwr Slide 1: Greek Intro Religion.About 94 percent of Greeces population is at least nominally Greek Orthodox (see Orthodox Church). Baptisms, marriages, and burials according to the rites of the Orthodox Church are the norm for a great majority of Greeks History: In the 1st millennium BC, ancient Greek city-states led by Athens made tremendous advances in government, philosophy, and the arts. The ancient Greek civilization was concentrated on the coastlines of Orthodox Church). Baptisms, marriages, and burials according to the rites of the Orthodox Church are the norm for a great majority of Greeks History: In the 1st millennium BC, ancient Greek city-states led least nominally Greek Orthodox (see Orthodox Church). Baptisms, marriages, and burials according to the .
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
A Man For All Seaons Essays - English People, British People, Film
A Man For All Seaons Essays - English People, British People, Film A Man For All Seaons A Man For All Seasons (A man Cannot Serve Two Masters) Neither Thomas More or the Common Man are able to serve two masters In the play A Man for All Seasons by Roger Bolt, The Spanish Ambassador Chapuys says to Steward, a role played by the common man, No man can serve two masters(Bolt, 24). Within the play this statement is proven true for all the characters, especially for The Common Man and Sir Thomas More. The Common Man, shows himself time and again that he truly serves one master and that master is himself; whereas with More attempts to serve two masters. More attempt to serve King Henry of England, and God. By the end of the play it is shown that More cannot serve two masters despite all his efforts. It is apparent within the play that the Common Man is serving himself as his only master and no one else. In the play it may seem that he is not a self-serving character due to the fact that he obeys what people tell him to do, for instance in his conversations with Cromwell, and Chapuys, they ask him for knowledge about his master, Sir Thomas More. Firstly Cromwell asks him information concerning More's attitude towards the King's divorce of his wife the Queen. The Common Man replies, Sir, Sir Thomas doesn't talk about itHe doesn't talk about it to his wife, sirSir, he goes white when it's mentioned! Cromwell (hands coin): All Right.(Bolt, 23.). Later with his conversation with Chapuys he is asked about More's spirituality, Sir Thomas rises at six, sir, and prays for an hour and a halfDuring lent, sir he lived entirely on bread and waterHe goes to twice a week, sir. Parish Priest. Dominican(Bolt, 24). Chapuys then replies to the Common Man, Good, simple man. Here. (Gives coin. Going )(Bolt, 24). As you can see he does what he wants for himself and no other especially divulging information for money. The Common Man also only holds loyalty unto himself and no other. At the first sign his needs will no longer be met to his satisfaction he leaves. For when More loses his job and no longer has an income, the Common Man collects his belongings and leaves, Now, damn me isn't that them all overI nearly fell for it'Matthew, will you kindly take a cut in your wages?' 'No, Sir Thomas I will not.'(Bolt, 57). The Common Man is a very sly person, and holds nothing back when it comes to him and a job. This is evident as he acquires a position with Richard Rich, another very self- serving person by easily manipulating him. Richard Rich had no inclination to hire the Common Man; he was manipulated so well that the Common Man gets a job, Oh. Oh, I must contradict you there, sir; that's your imagination. In those days, sir, you still had your way to make. And a gentleman in that position often imagines these things. Then when he's risen to his proper level, sir, he stops thinking about itWell - I don't think you find people 'disrespectful' nowadays, do you sir?(Bolt, 61-62). Now, Sir Thomas More, through out the play tries to balance his life between God and King. More as he obeys God and King prays for his King, Dear Lord give us rest tonight, or if we must be wakeful, cheerful. Careful only for our soul's salvation. For Christ sake. Amen. And bless our lord the King.(Bolt, 8). To continue his service for both God and King, More is willing to sacrifice everything if it will allow him to serve both; There is my right arm. (A practical position.) Take your dagger and saw it from my shoulder, and I will laugh and be thankful, if by that means I can come with Your Grace with a clear conscience.(Bolt, 31). For in the play More is forced with a choice, to either continue in his service to King Henry and go against the Catholic Church or quite his job and continue in his service to the King, If the Bishops in Convocation submitted this morning, I'll take it offIt's no degradation.(Bolt, 48). In the play the Act of Supremacy
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Definition and Examples of Subordination in English
Definition and Examples of Subordination in English Subordination in English grammar is the process of linking two clauses in a sentence so that one clause is dependent on (or subordinate to) another. Clauses joined by coordination are called main clauses or independent clauses. This is in contrast to subordination, in which a subordinate clause (for example, an adverb clause or an adjective clause) is attached to the main clause. Clausal subordination is often (but not always) indicated by a subordinating conjunction in the case of adverb clauses or a relative pronoun in the case of adjective clauses. Examples and Observations In the sentence, I swear that I didnt dream it, where one clause is part of the other, we have subordination. The higher clause, i.e., the whole sentence, is the main clause and the lower clause is a sub-clause. In this case, there is an element which actually marks explicitly the beginning of the subordinate clause, namely that. (Kersti Bà ¶rjars and Kate Burridge, Introducing English Grammar, 2nd ed. Hodder, 2010) Adverbial Subordinate Clauses While Fern was in school, Wilbur was shut up inside his yard. (E.B. White, Charlottes Web. Harper, 1952) All the animals capered with joy when they saw the whips going up in flames. (George Orwell, Animal Farm. Secker and Warburg, 1945)One summer morning, after I had swept the dirt yard of leaves, spearmint-gum wrappers, and Vienna-sausage labels, I raked the yellow-red dirt, and made half-moons carefully, so that the design stood out clearly and masklike. (Maya Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. Random House, 1969)[U]nless one is inordinately fond of subordination, one is always at war. (Philip Roth, The Dying Animal. Houghton Mifflin, 2001) Adjectival Subordinate Clauses Fern . . . found an old milking stool that had been discarded, and she placed the stool in the sheepfold next to Wilburs pen. (E.B. White, Charlottes Web. Harper, 1952)Moses, who was Mr. Joness especial pet, was a spy and a tale-bearer, but he was also a clever talker. (George Orwell, Animal Farm. Secker and Warburg, 1945)We lived with our grandmother and uncle in the rear of the Store (it was always spoken of with a capital s), which she had owned some twenty-five years. (Maya Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. Random House, 1969)In the cutting room, there were twenty-five men at work, about six to a table, and the Swede led her over to the oldest of them, whom he introduced as the Master. (Philip Roth, American Pastoral. Houghton Mifflin, 1997) Analyzing Subordinate Structures Subordination-heavy sentences are probably our most common type of sentence, either spoken or written, though they are more complicated than they may seem at first glance. In fact, this sentence by Thomas Cahill seems quite ordinary until we examine it more closely: In the time-honored fashion of the ancient world, he opens the book at random, intending to receive as a divine message the first sentence his eyes should fall upon. - How the Irish Saved Civilization (57) Cahills basic sentence about St. Augustine is he opened the book. But the sentence begins with two orienting prepositional phrases (In the time-honored fashion and of the ancient world) and adds detail at the end with a prepositional phrase (at random) and a participial phrase (intending . . .). There is also an infinitive phrase (to receive . . .) and a subordinate clause (his eyes should fall upon). For the reader, comprehending this sentence is much simpler than describing it. (Donna Gorrell, Style and Difference. Houghton Mifflin, 2005) Cognitive Relations [T]he notion of subordination will be defined here exclusively in functional terms. Subordination will be regarded as a particular way to construe the cognitive relation between two events, such that one of them (which will be called the dependent event) lacks an autonomous profile, and is construed in the perspective of the other event (which will be called the main event). This definition is largely based on the one provided in Langacker (1991: 435-7). For instance, in Langackers terms, the English sentence in (1.3), (1.3) After she drank the wine, she went to sleep. profiles the event of going to sleep, not the event of drinking the wine. . . . What matters here is that the definition pertains to cognitive relations between events, not any particular clause type. This means that the notion of subordination is independent of the way in which clause linkage is realized across languages. (Sonia Cristofaro, Subordination. Oxford University Press, 2003) Subordination and the Evolution of Languages Many languages make very sparse use of clause subordination while making much freer use of clause conjoining. We can extrapolate that the earliest languages had only juxtaposition of clauses, then developed markers of coordination of clauses (like and), and only later, perhaps much later, developed ways of signaling that one clause was intended to be understood as playing a role inside the interpretation of another, i.e. marking subordination of clauses. (James R. Hurford, The Origins of Language. Oxford University Press, 2014)
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Answers Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5
Answers - Assignment Example In such a case, a computerized system can calculate the impact of expansion like the cost of adding employees to the business. This team is also responsible for identifying the resources by identifying the resources already available at hand then reconsidering other options available before implementing decisions. Consider the case of adding more employees when the company evaluates the experience and the skills that the current employees have then promoting them before hiring new less skilled employees who can fill up their positions (Hussain, 2004). Another role is meeting training needs. The HR can protect critical electronic employee information by consistently enforcing policies and procedures. They can also consider revising these policies and procedures to ensure that all the necessary changes and additions get the attention they deserve. Being aware of critical employee information as well as corporate data and the people who have access to such kind of information also helps in boosting the security of such information. Finally, the company should have a response plan which should come in handy in the event that such security breaches occur (Hussain, 2004). Hussain, Z., Prowse, P., & University of Bradford. (2004). Human resource information systems (HRIS) as means of fulfilling job more professionally for human resource (HR) managers. Bradford: Bradford University, School of
Saturday, February 8, 2020
The nature of perfectly competitive markets Essay
The nature of perfectly competitive markets - Essay Example The paper is objective to present two ways of observing at what the perfect competition mean in terms of neoclassical economics. The very first focus should be on the lack of ability of one agent for affecting prices. This matter can be justified by the fact that one consumer or firm is very small if compared with the entire market and the presence or absence of the firm or consumer does not affect the equilibrium price. The hypothesis of impact of each and every agent on the equilibrium price was done by Aumann in the year of 1964. There are some differences between the approach of Aumann and the normal textbooks (Robert, 1966). The firms or consumers have their own power to decide the prices of their own products but the thing is it does not affect the market. Secondly, the consumers and agents consider the price as their parameters. The results of both the approaches are almost same. Another approach of perfect competition can be achieved in terms of the consumers taking advantage by eliminating the some exchange opportunities that are profitable. The competition in market increases when the arbitrage takes place in market faster. The average market price can be adjusted if the market is more competitive. It also depends on the supply and demand of the products. According to this approach, the meaning of perfect competition is the adjustments occur instantly in perfect ways. Firstly, the notion of the perfect competition needs to be understood. The following properties must be ensured so that a "perfect competition" is possible: many buyers and sellers homogeneous goods full market transparency prevails all market participants are "price taker" market participants have no influence on the price of the goods No transaction costs No taxes free market access In a perfect market, supply equals demand. Thus, there is only one price where the market is cleared. This is called the equilibrium price. On the basis of market transparency, it is not possible to achieve excess profits. This means no profits on the pay related factors (rent, interest, and wages) beyond production. The provider cannot rate any higher price because they would find no buyers and the buyer can not demand a lower price because no company in the market would offer a lower rate. A market consists of potential buyers, who determine what amount of a commodity should be brought into the market (O'Sullivan, 2003). The demand from retailers determines the supply of goods. The market is not tied to a particular place but can be seen as abstract. There are different considerations which are provided in a perfect competition market. The problem with perfect competition markets is that after the companies have entered or left the market, equilibrium sets in. This does not let profits to increase and all the companies involved are stuck in a situation with no improvement. A demand curve can be used to explain this. The following demand curve D shows the relationship between commodi ty prices and the quantity demanded by the consumer. The demand is determined by the price of the goods. Price is on the Y axis and quantity is on the x axis. Law of demand curve states that other things being equal; the demand decreases if the price rises and if the price drops. Thus, the negative demand depends on price. Demand curve refers to a single company, and measures the correlation between output and market price. The demand curve is not only dependent on the
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Diversity in instructional methods toward meaningful learning Essay Example for Free
Diversity in instructional methods toward meaningful learning Essay Abstract There is diversity in instructional methods that teachers can use to bring about meaningful learning. This paper discusses five of them; namely integrated inquiry approach, 5-model of inquiry, the jig-sawing approach, role playing and WebQuest. These instructional methods are learner centered methods that consider prior knowledge, attitude and skills and promote development of new knowledge and relate them to a variety of contexts. All of them also deal with real-life situations that essentially develop interpersonal relationships, problem-solving skills and content-knowledge among others. The teachers’ tasks are to plan and carry out efficiently the instructional designs to have meaningful learning among diverse learners, instructional methods and learning environments. Diversity in Instructional Methods Toward Meaningful Learning Diversity is an essential ingredient of success of all ventures in life including education. There are different kinds of learners as there are teachers, instructional methods and learning environments; but there is only one goal in education and this is for an effective and meaningful learning. Teachers should set environments for students so they could think critically and independently and relate new knowledge learned with a variety of contexts for meaningful learning. It is the task of the teachers to match the learners, the learning environments, the knowledge to be learned and the instructional methods. Learning meaningfully means that learners relate new knowledge to what they already know. Meaningful learning is non-arbitrary, non-verbatim, substantive deliberate effort to link new knowledge with higher order concepts in cognitive structures. It is a learning related to experiences with events or objects and affective commitment to relate new knowledge with prior learning. The diverse instructional designs towards meaningful learning should identify outcomes, guide the development of instruction content and establish its effectiveness. Efforts to consider meaningful learning in the different stages of instructional design are essential. Gagne et al. (1992) identified the different stages of instructional designs as: defining instructional goals; conducting instructional analysis; identifying entry behaviours and learner characteristics; developing performance objectives; selecting an instructional method; assembling instructional materials and planning formative and summative evaluations. He and his colleagues further cited that current educational theory and researches support the use of instructional methods that make students active learners. Among the diverse instructional methods available to teachers to explore and use, the commonly utilized approach towards construction of new knowledge meaningfully are the problem –based learning and inquiry approach, cooperative learning, and technology strategies. Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages, but when used effectively can maximize learning. Problem-Based and Inquiry Approach Students in the problem-based and learning inquiry approach engage in meaningful learning through being actively involved in their own learning and reconstructing these based on their experiences. They further participate in active investigation, more of integrating knowledge rather than separating them so that deep understanding develop from acquisition of new facts. In this method, students are given relevant problems by teachers which inquiry must be done. The general steps in this inquiry approach are: identifying the problems, gathering of data, organizing the data in attempt to analyse the problems and analyses of the strategies to use to solve the problems. Integrated Inquiry In the Integrated Inquiry planning process, a model of inquiry approach developed by K. Murdoch, sequences of activities and experiences are developed to build on and challenge student perceptions. These sequences begin with students’ prior knowledge and experiences and move through deliberate processes wherein that knowledge is extended, challenged and refined. Students have their own prior experiences that they bring to their classes and teachers should be aware of how to address this situation. Activities and learning experiences in this model are grouped as: tuning on, finding out, sorting out, going further, making conclusions and taking actions (Murdoch, 1999). Furthermore, planning for assessment is a very important element of planning for Integrated Inquiry. Murdoch (1999) highlights the need for the collection and analysis of information about what and the how students have learned. The assessment in the Integrated Inquiry model is to determine how to improve student learning as these new information help teachers modify their plans of work to suit the needs of the learners. Students’ involvement in planning for assessment as in selecting responses to particular learning experiences and designing demonstrations of understanding are highly encouraged. Therefore, teachers are also tasked to identify and design learning experiences that will provide information for assessment purposes. The strengths of this model are focussed on assessment of learning in context and encouraging a variety of demonstrations of understanding based on the learning experiences that students undertake. Learners that may benefit most from this Integrated Inquiry Approach are those capable of setting goals in their own learning and significantly contribute in determining how assessment could be effectively done. 5-E Model In the book â€Å"Activities for Teaching Science as Inquiry†by Carin, Bass Contant (2005) many laboratory investigations were cited as inquiry approach to learning. They focused on the 5-E Instructional Model with the five main components identified as Engagement, Exploration, Explanation, Elaboration and Evaluation. Each of these components is learner-centred. This investigatory method maybe time and resource consuming but it allows the learners to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills experientially. The use of this method is not limited to teaching sciences, which are considered to be not very easy subjects. This experiential learning brings more opportunities for learners to bring forth better understanding and longer retention of knowledge learned. Cooperative Learning Cooperative learning is an instructional method that takes place in a small group of learners of different levels of ability and in environments of responsibility not only for their own understanding of the subject but also for his co-learners. It brings more meaning to learning because it provides shared cognitive sets of information between students, motivating them to learn the materials, ensuring that they construct their own knowledge, providing formative feedback, developing social and group skills necessary for success outside the classroom. Cooperative leaning promotes learning and academic achievement, increases retention and satisfaction with their learning experiences among students, helps develop skills in oral communication, social skills, promotes student self-esteem and fosters mutual responsibility. Although this method helps students learn to be more patient, less critical and more compassionate, some students may find difficulty with this method. Students who work alone find difficulty in sharing answers while aggressive students will tend to take over and brighter students to act superior to the rest. Teachers who will employ cooperative should prepare their students how to work in groups for this method to be successful. Jig Sawing Approach The â€Å"Jig Sawing†Approach is a cooperative learning strategy wherein students becomes an â€Å"expert†in a particular area, then shares his or her learning knowledge with other members of the group that eventually all members of the group learn the concepts. In the Modified Jigsaw, the class is divided into equal expert groups, with each of these groups working on isolated portions of the activity. Once each expert group has completed the tasks, they report their findings as group to the class. Group report allows for greater flexibility in student presentation style and prevents the possibility of unintentionally misrepresentation of information (Beaudrie et al. 1998). This method best suits heterogenous learners across disciplines. It provides opportunities for learners to show various competencies. Moreover, students are more comfortable to exchange ideas with their co-learners because of their dynamic open relationship. Role playing Another instructional method of interest is role playing. It also deals with solving problems but through actions. In role playing, problems are identified, explored through actions and discussed. The students input in their role playing their prior knowledge, values and attitudes. A role-playing strategy seems to work best when there are multiple correct approaches to solving problems. It encourages thinking and creativity to develop and practice new behaviours in non-threatening setting. It provides opportunities for students to explore further their feelings; gain more insights about their attitudes and also enhance their problem solving skills. It also promotes effective interpersonal relations. The learning in these role playing activities are meaningful as they are retained longer and hoped to be of use to the real life of the learners. Terms which are used, often interchangeably with role playing are simulation, game, role-play, simulation-game, role-play simulation, and role-playing game. Role playing dynamically promotes effective interpersonal relationships and social transactions among learners. Technology Supported Approach Technology provides a set of tool for addressing the issues on improving student learning. These issues are of providing more of learners’ time on authentic, challenging tasks with rich contexts with emphasis on multi-disciplinarity; changing of role of teachers to facilitators of knowledge that guide students and learn along with them; students working in an environment of more cooperative relationships that encourages communication and access to real-world examples towards the development of learning communities; and with greater emphasis placed on reflective thinking and productivity with the understanding that students will preform their tasks differently and have different task-relevant skills ( Grabe and Grabe, 2004). WebQuest WebQuest, the model developed by Bernie Dodge, is an inquiry-oriented lesson format in which most or all the information that learners work with comes from the web. WebQuests is most often a group activity in a library or distance education setting. It may be enhanced by wrapping motivational elements around the basic structure by giving the learners a role to play, simulated personae to interact with via e-mail, and a scenario to work within. They can be designed within a single discipline or they can be interdisciplinary (Dodge, 1997). The WebQuest challenges he learner to be creative in problem-solving. In the world of education, there are so many instructional designs that can be utilized to end up with meaningful learning. No instructional method is better than the other but each one in the hands of a committed and learned teacher can merit students across academic levels and disciplines to bring about meaningful learning. References Beaudrie, B. , Slater,T. F. , Stevenson, S. Cadit, D. (1998). Teaching astronomy by internet jigsawing. Leading and Learning with Technology Journal, 26. , Retrieved December 13, 2007 from http://www. aem. umn. edu. Carin, A. A, Bass, J. E Contant T.L. (2005). Activities for Teaching Science As Inquiry. NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Dodge, B. (1997). Some thoughts about WebQuests . Retrieved December 13, 2007 from http://webquest. sdsu. edu/about_webquests. html. Gagne, R. M. , Briggs, L. J. , Wager, W. W. (1992). Principles of Instructional Design . TX: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College Publishers. Grabe, M. Grabe C. (2004). Integrating Technology for Meaningful Learning. NY: Houghton Mifflin Company. Murdoch, K. (1998) Classroom Connections: Strategies for Integrated Learning. Melbourne: Eleanor Curtain Publishing.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
lord of the flies :: essays research papers
The Lord of the Flies Essay      In The Lord of the Flies, the three main character all have different characteristics and temperaments. Ralph shows the Guardian temperament, Jack has the characteristics of the Artisan temperament, and Piggy has the Realist temperament. This is important to the novel because it plays reason why everything ended up breaking apart on the island.           Ralph is the nearest to being the Guardian in the story. Throughout the book, Ralph wants to be the one is charge and the one that Jack also respects. Most Guardians want to have membership and belonging as well. Guardians are also negative about the future, Ralph has is moments of when he does not think he is going to be rescued and gets depressed. A major difference about Ralph and his Guardian temperament is that he has many times when he feels he is not respected by the other boys. Guardians are supposed to have a lot of confidence with themselves because they are respected. The Artisan in this story is most likely Jack. Artisans are proud of themselves because they are graceful in action, and Jack has a huge ego because he is a skilled hunter or at least thinks so. Jack is a live in the moment now, or fly by the seat of your pants character he is just worried about now and not the past or future. The major difference is that Jack’s objectives on the islands are not normally the smartest things to do, he just does what he thinks he sound do now or wants to do.      Piggy is the Realist in The Lord of the Flies. Piggy is confident in himself because he knows he is smart and has a lot of wit and back at home Piggy always got his way. Realists seem to always have a quest to search in further truth and knowledge. A major difference between Piggy and a Realist is when it comes to the future. Piggy is, most of the time, hopeful about being rescued someday. Most Realists are negative when dealing with the future.      When you put these very different temperaments on one island you can see how disaster is going to happen. lord of the flies :: essays research papers The Lord of the Flies Essay      In The Lord of the Flies, the three main character all have different characteristics and temperaments. Ralph shows the Guardian temperament, Jack has the characteristics of the Artisan temperament, and Piggy has the Realist temperament. This is important to the novel because it plays reason why everything ended up breaking apart on the island.           Ralph is the nearest to being the Guardian in the story. Throughout the book, Ralph wants to be the one is charge and the one that Jack also respects. Most Guardians want to have membership and belonging as well. Guardians are also negative about the future, Ralph has is moments of when he does not think he is going to be rescued and gets depressed. A major difference about Ralph and his Guardian temperament is that he has many times when he feels he is not respected by the other boys. Guardians are supposed to have a lot of confidence with themselves because they are respected. The Artisan in this story is most likely Jack. Artisans are proud of themselves because they are graceful in action, and Jack has a huge ego because he is a skilled hunter or at least thinks so. Jack is a live in the moment now, or fly by the seat of your pants character he is just worried about now and not the past or future. The major difference is that Jack’s objectives on the islands are not normally the smartest things to do, he just does what he thinks he sound do now or wants to do.      Piggy is the Realist in The Lord of the Flies. Piggy is confident in himself because he knows he is smart and has a lot of wit and back at home Piggy always got his way. Realists seem to always have a quest to search in further truth and knowledge. A major difference between Piggy and a Realist is when it comes to the future. Piggy is, most of the time, hopeful about being rescued someday. Most Realists are negative when dealing with the future.      When you put these very different temperaments on one island you can see how disaster is going to happen.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Long Report Essay
INTRODUCTION Background This report was created to present the findings of a study aimed to curve the impact of the large number of workers we employ on local traffic. Many city and county transportation officials are interested in exploring ways to solve the traffic issues. The research in this report analyzes the commuting patterns of our 43,500 employees. Traffic is a daily battle for many commuters and has become a problem in our area. Problem For many people, the commute to work is disastrous. It is not uncommon to hear of people leaving hours early for work simply because of traffic. Although traffic can be found mostly everywhere, the area surrounding our company is unbearable. We are known as the largest private employer in this area, employing over 43,000 people. This fact, combined with normal traffic patterns, creates much more traffic in other areas and problems with commuting. Purpose The purpose of this report is to alleviate the problems with traffic due to the high number of people we employ. The first step in this process is analyzing the workforce’s transportation habits and attitudes. Scope This report will focus mainly on the transportation habits of the workforce, as well as their opinion on possible changes. DISCUSSION Employee Carpool Habits One simple way to help reduce traffic problems is the use of carpooling. The idea of employee carpooling is simple-employees who live in close relation to each other commute to work together, using only one car. Four people carpooling together takes three cars off the road that would have been there had they not carpooled. Carpooling is also mutually beneficial to the employees. Many save a large sum of money and they are no longer required to physically drive to and from work every day. An added benefit is the 85 million gallons of gas saved every year by carpoolers. The results of the research are displayed in Figure 1. Based on the research done at our company, 23% of employee’s carpool to work every day and 10% report that they are carpooling on certain days of the week. A small percentage (2%) showed that these workers randomly carpool. The majority of the employees reported that they never carpool. Currently, 64% of our employees are not carpooling at all. Increasing the amount of carpooling being done from just one-third of the employee population to half or more will result in great change. As stated before, carpooling is a very easy and convenient way to get many cars off the roads with little change and has much benefit for both the individuals’ carpooling and the function of these populated areas. Employee Use of Public Transportation Public transportation provides a convenient and inexpensive alternative to regular commuting. There are many types of public transportation including buses, trains, subways and ferries. These provide commuters with a range of options to decide what one works best for their commute. Results for a survey on the frequency of public transportation used by the employees at this company are displayed in figure 2. Currently just over half (54%) of the workforce uses public transportation every day of the week and just 28% of employees never use it. This shows that public transportation is possible for the workers. Because of the high number of employees that use public transportation, it can be concluded that the increase in use of public transportation is a possible solution. To generate ideas on how to increase the use of public transportation, a survey was completed that asked the employees to select as many of the seven ways provided to increase frequency that they saw relevant. The results are depicted in a column graph in figure 3. The graph shows that the results of the study found that the majority of people selected that nothing could encourage them to take public transportation. Although lower fares and improved safety were selected as the most desired option, over 8,000 employees would not use public transportation no matter the change. It appears that people’s use and opinions of public transportation are difficult to change and there is no one solution that would increase the amount of people using it significantly enough for it to be worthy of doing. Transportation Distance Traveled to/from Work A potential solution to the issue of traffic patterns is the increase in employees walking or riding their bikes, scooters etc. This is a low-cost solution that like carpooling, has mutual benefits for the employee. Because we can not ask people to move closer to work so they can walk or bike, there are no ways to change the option to make it more appealing as done with public transportation. To determine if this is a possible solution to the problem a survey was completed that asked the participant to report the distance traveled one way to work. If the majority of the employees live in close proximity to the company, using other modes of transportation could be viable. The results of this study are shown in figure 4. The majority (53%) of the workforce lives within 4-10 miles and the second largest percentage chosen was 11-20 miles. Unfortunately, that is too far of a distance and it would be difficult to get employees to do. If the majority had fallen in the 1-3 mile range, thi s solution could have been a potential solution but only 16% of the employees chose this option. Therefore, the idea of commuting on foot or bike as a solution to this problem would not be effective. Telecommuting An option that could impact the traffic patterns of this area is an increase in telecommuting. Telecommuting is when you are able to conduct your business from your home, thus cancelling out the issue of a commute altogether. A survey was done to inquire about the amount of workers whose jobs allow them to work from home. With this information, we can better predict if telecommuting is a realistic option. The results are displayed in figure 5. Based on these results, only 28% of employee’s jobs would allow them to work from home and the majority (43%) of the workers reported that their jobs do not allow them to work from home. Telecommuting is an intriguing option because it is the only one that removes the commute entirely. The problem with telecommuting is that many jobs are not suited for a home office, and require many other things besides a computer. The way that the company is established now, telecommuting does not seem like a viable option. However, if the company w ere willing to change some things and make the company more flexible, telecommuting could be a great way to solve this issue. CONCLUSION Through the use of surveying and analysis, it is apparent that changing the commuting patterns and improving traffic around the company will be difficult. There are a large number of employees and with a large group, comes wide variety. The ideas to increase carpooling and telecommuting appear to be the most realistic options and the ones that would produce the most results. Public Transportation appears to not work for many, no matter the circumstance changes making this not an option. Lastly, the potential to increase the frequency of employees walking and biking to class is not a solution because the majority of employees live outside walking distance. RECCOMENDATION Based on the results found in the surveys, I am recommending that the best option for changing traffic patterns is an increase in carpooling. An incentive for employees to carpool would be a good start to moving towards this. By running an incentive type program for employees who have never carpooled before would allow those employees to see the benefits of carpooling. Ideally, the employees would see that carpooling is a great solution to this problem.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Analysis Of The Movie The Gift - 1225 Words
While film is a visual medium, some of the understated elements of cinematic choices are often overlooked. General audiences are attracted to films due to the choice of actors and a general interest in the story, but the most complex mechanisms of successful films are rarely spoken of or noticed. The choice of color scheme, set design, and props, are all various ways in which the director adds their stamp of creative concept. When all of these components are blended, they create the mood, tone, and style of the of movie. In this essay, three short films all featuring different locations, characters, and themes are examined to try and understand why directors pick certain visual undertones and to decide if they worked in favor or against the overall story. In doing so, this essay hopes to explore the many ways in which aspiring creatives can add appealing visuals to their work to underline the main theme and create a better understanding for their audience. The first film, The Gift, is a quirky if not surreal look at love. Ms. Anderson, A woman in charge of wrapping gifts in a store, is tasked with wrapping the gift of a local magician and customer, Mr. Grimm. It is obvious she has feelings for him, and she believes the gift, a family heirloom necklace, is for another woman. This leads to her spiral, coming to the realization that he does not share the same feelings. In the end, however, as he leaves, she discovers that he has somehow magically placed the necklace on her,Show MoreRelatedPeter Quill And His Walkman Essay1219 Words  | 5 Pageswas a hybrid until later on]. Just a young boy at the time, he was fond of the simple joys in life such as family, friends, playing around and music just as any other young boy. Life went on. A grave tragedy occurred during the beginning of the movie. His mother, terminally ill, was living in her final moments while young peter quill was just outside in the hospital hallway, in despair and denial. 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While not everything is accurate, it seems that a majority of the film could be considered genuine. In order to understand an analysis of the film, one must first have a basic sense of the plot. Summarizing a movie that is almost an hour and a half into one paragraph is a daunting task, but it can be done! The first scene opens with Brian receiving gifts from the Three Wise Men; however, it is soon found out that he is not Jesus. Brian soon finds out that he is a Roman; but despite hisRead MoreNight Of The Living Dead1444 Words  | 6 PagesLiving Dead is a breakout movie created and directed by George A. Romero released in 1968. The movie launched Romero’s career and a subset genre of film. Romero has used his movies as a form of social commentary. In Night of the Living Dead you see a black male hero trying to lead in a small group setting. 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Meanwhile, the Hmong family next doorRead MoreCultural Analysis Of Sleeping Beauty By Charles Perrault892 Words  | 4 PagesPayton Parrish King English 102 18 March 2017 Cultural Analysis of Sleeping Beauty The story of Sleeping Beauty is told in many different forms and is most famous from Walt Disney’s Sleeping Beauty. For example, the fairytale â€Å"The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood†by Charles Perrault is quite different than Disney s version. This fairytale should be researched because it has an interesting historical background and it is still culturally relevant to this day. The three main points that will be discussedRead MoreHow Spirited Away, The Emperor And The Assassin, And Journey At The West : Conquering The Demons1575 Words  | 7 Pagesone theme that is history. This analysis will focus on how Spirited Away, The Emperor and the Assassin, and Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons are part of a modern and ancient history that are still practiced today. Even though these movies are a mixture of legends, fictions, and facts we can still appreciate the meaning behind each story. Furthermore, this analysis will enhance East Asian’s historical meani ng. Spirited Away is a Japanese movie created by a man that can be considered
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